Classic Tiler Launches Platform to provide Tilers Online for New South Wales
Classic Tiler Launches Platform to provide Tilers Online for New South Wales Surfacing and decorating interiors with tiling has been an art from throughout history and modern trends have evolved around this ancient style of decorating with Tiling. Tiles have been used to embellish private residences, religious building like mosques, churches and public places. Tile art has created some of the most awe inspiring architectural visual experiences. Take for example; Mosaics were a common decoration in roman architecture. People displayed wealth, individuality and power through the glittering and geometric effects. Mosaics were early credited to be a hygiene surface material. Mosaics created by cutting different sources like marble, glass, pumice or shells can be seen in old architectural beauties placed artfully to imamate famous paintings. Tile Manufacturers and designers and even homeowners today are looking at tiles as more than its utilitarian function of flooring or counte...